Finishing the Website

Finishing the Website

Yes, it is about time. No, it was not easy. Yes, I’m satisfied with the results. That’s the preamble completed. Now that things have settled down, I can start working on a couple of things that will make the whole site work better, and start gaining a...
Redefining the Mentor: Beyond the Wise Old Archetype

Redefining the Mentor: Beyond the Wise Old Archetype

Let’s delve into the archetype of the “mentor character.” What imagery does this phrase conjure for you? Perhaps, the quintessential wizardly figure, cloaked in age and wisdom, his white beard a testament to a life of contemplation (often found...
Good Enough to get Published

Good Enough to get Published

The Quora question that caught my interest today was asked by Andy Mello. The interesting part of this question is that every author worth their grain of salt has asked the same one – Do I keep writing if I know I’ll never be food enough to get published?...
Getting Your Second Book Published

Getting Your Second Book Published

It’s easier to get a second book published once you have had your first book published, but does this apply to published non-fiction writers who then want to get a first novel published? Or would publishers treat you as a first-time author again? The answer to...