Winters End – More Ice

Winters End – More Ice

No, this is not the street that I live on, but it is how we feel. March has shaped up to an month of warmth and ice. We had a few days of nice weather which made the snow melt a bit, and then Mother Nature threw an iceball at us. It went as low as -7! Well, living in...
Net Galley Listing – The Spear Series

Net Galley Listing – The Spear Series

I’m trying something new with the reimagined Spear series. Yes, that’s right, get the mad scientist hat on for this one. One of the hardest things a writer and publisher needs to overcome is getting reviews for their work. Yes, it is difficult and time...

So You Want To Write a Novel

Press Release: New Book Release – So You Want to Write a Book by Douglas Owen FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact: Douglas OwenWebsite: https://daowenpublications.caSocial Media: Discover the Secrets to Writing and Publishing Your...